Party Select

Welcome to Party Select, where two dudes and a guy who’s their friend talk about the best thing there is: video games. Join our party for game reviews, retrospectives, rankings, reactions, rants, and a bunch of other random stuff. Check us out at

Monday Nov 20, 2017
Ep 13 - We Leave Greed to Others
Monday Nov 20, 2017
Monday Nov 20, 2017
Microtransactions. Games as a service. Pay to win. Loot boxes. Luck-based progression. Shea and Kyle break it all down when discussing the absolute mess that is Star Wars Battlefront 2. But before getting to how EA is destroying the video game industry, there's some other stuff to talk about. Shea finished The Leftovers and Vice Principals, and is still plugging away at Telltale's Guardians of the Galaxy and South Park: The Fractured But Whole. Kyle directed a play and has nearly 500 hours invested in Unturned. Both of the guys played some Call of Duty: WWII Nazi Zombies. Shea also saw Justice League, and at least it's better than Batman v Superman?
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Monday Nov 06, 2017
Ep 12 - I Sentence You to No Candy
Monday Nov 06, 2017
Monday Nov 06, 2017
It's an action-packed episode, as Shea and Kyle discuss Stranger Things 2, Call of Duty: WWII, Thor: Ragnarok, South Park: The Fractured But Whole, The Evil Within 2, and the hottest news coming out of Sony's Paris Games Week press conference. Kyle also watched Mindhunter and Shea's still cracking away at Vice Principals and The Leftovers before his HBO Now subscription ends. Finally, the guys touch on the hot-button topics of "guilty until proven innocent" and the court of public opinion.
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Monday Oct 23, 2017
Ep 11 - The Gaming Times, They Are a-Changin'
Monday Oct 23, 2017
Monday Oct 23, 2017
In this episode, Shea's back from the beach and Kyle received the armor he'll be wearing at his wedding. Yes, you read that right. The guys also trade talk on two new video games, The Evil Within 2 and South Park: The Fractured But Whole. Shea finished episode one of Life is Strange: Before the Storm and Kyle saw Blade Runner 2049. Hate of the week belongs to the current direction of the video game industry, because Activision and Electronic Arts seem determined to make us hate them. And then we end on a note of positivity?
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Monday Oct 09, 2017
Ep 10 - Hashtag Real Talk
Monday Oct 09, 2017
Monday Oct 09, 2017
In this episode, Shea and Kyle figure out why they're already burnt out on Destiny 2, and what exactly Bungie could do in future DLC to bring them back. The boys also catch each other up on new releases Cuphead, Life is Strange: Before the Storm, the Call of Duty: WWII PC beta, and It. Finally, Shea comes clean on his critical personality and how he still has no idea what he's doing with his life. Find out what happens when people stop being polite... and start getting real.
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Monday Sep 25, 2017
Ep 9 - Don't Cabal it a Comeback
Monday Sep 25, 2017
Monday Sep 25, 2017
In this episode, Shea and Kyle continue their complaining/gushing about the goods and bads of Destiny 2. Shea tells you to go see Wind River, and is slightly confused by the second season of The Leftovers. Kyle is reading up a storm and has some suggestions for fantasy fans. He also makes Shea jealous with all of the awesome Fallout 4 mods available on PC. Finally, the guys hit on some of the big announcements from TGS 2017 and the new trailers for Tomb Raider and The Punisher. Hot take, it's a 6/10 episode. Don't @ me.
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Tuesday Sep 12, 2017
Ep 8 - Destiny 2: Arguably the Best Destiny Game
Tuesday Sep 12, 2017
Tuesday Sep 12, 2017
In this episode, Shea and Kyle wrap up talk about Uncharted: The Lost Legacy, Marvel's Defenders, and Game of Thrones season seven before moving onto the new video game hotness, Destiny 2. Spoiler alert, it's more Destiny! They also discuss Bethesda's Creation Club, that apparently unannounced Bethesda game, and what games they're looking forward to the rest of 2017. Other topics include "fetishizing" difficulty in video games and the moral ambiguity of taking money to promote a product you're reviewing.
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Tuesday Aug 29, 2017
Ep 7 - Lethal Weapon in Space
Tuesday Aug 29, 2017
Tuesday Aug 29, 2017
In this episode, Shea and Kyle discuss some of the hottest new releases, like Uncharted: The Lost Legacy, Tacoma, and Marvel's The Defenders. The guys also score their excitement for upcoming DC movies on a scale of 1-10. Spoiler alert, they aren't very excited. We also got our first email! Well, it was a Facebook comment, but it still counts!
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Tuesday Aug 15, 2017
Ep 6 - Like "Homeward Bound" with Lions
Tuesday Aug 15, 2017
Tuesday Aug 15, 2017
In this episode, Shea and Kyle go over some recent entertainment news, including the Pokemon Go event fiasco, Netflix acquiring Millarworld, and Disney's plan to build their own streaming service. The guys also catch up on what they've been playing and watching, such as Fortnite, Dunkirk, Logan, and Silicon Valley. Oh, and by the way, Kyle bought a house and got engaged!
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Tuesday Jul 25, 2017
Ep 5 - San Diego Comic Con News
Tuesday Jul 25, 2017
Tuesday Jul 25, 2017
In this episode, Shea and Kyle talk about the biggest movie, television, and video game news coming out of this year's Comic Con. They also talk about Fortnite, Dunkirk, Westworld, the Destiny 2 beta, and how running a website makes it hard to have movies and games that are "just for you."
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Tuesday Jul 18, 2017
Ep 4 - E3 2017 Recap: Sony
Tuesday Jul 18, 2017
Tuesday Jul 18, 2017
In this episode, Shea and Kyle break down all of the biggest games that hit this year's Sony E3 press conference. And an hour of Knack 2 news! No, not really. We also talk about Spider-Man: Homecoming, Prey, Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age, Kyle's trials and tribulations trying to buy a house, and why working for "exposure" is the worst.
Send your emails to, and be sure to check out for reviews and opinions on video games, movies, television, comics, and other sh*t that matters.

The Shea Hates Everything Podcast
The Shea Hates Everything Podcast is part of, where you'll find rankings, reviews, and opinions on video games, movies, television, books, comics, and other sh*t that matters. The website is called Shea Hates Everything because our Editor-in-Chief, Shea, was told by friends in college that he "hated everything" because he's always been a harsh critic. So he named his website Shea Hates Everything to spite them.